Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Getting to Know Us – February / The Kerins

Meet the Kerins, our Getting to Know Us featured couple from FaithMates for the month of February.

Peter & Wendie Kerin
33 & 31
Where were you born: 
Downer's Grove, IL (Peter) & Atlanta, GA (Wendie)
How long have you been married:
Peter: Going on 5 years
Wendie: 4 years
Katelyn (Katie), 19 months

1. When did you first know s/he was the one?
I knew Wendie was the one when looking at my life only really made sense if she was a part of it.
I knew Peter was the one about 4 months into dating. He was always there for me and just knew in my heart that he was the one, so when he asked me to marry him I definitely said yes.

2. Desribe your spouse in one sentence.
Wendie is an extremely caring mother and patiently loving wife.
Peter is loving, caring, funny, a great husband and wonderful father.

3. What is your current job? What is your dream job?
I am a product development manager in financial services for the world's largest prepaid processing company. My dream job would be an entertainment director on board a cruise ship. I would love to plan fun activities and sail around the world. Since I'm married with a young daughter, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I am currently a stay at home mom. I would love to get back into teaching one day and working in a preschool.

4. Any hobbies?
I like to play basketball in the mornings after working out at the gym. I also like to go recreational shooting.
Mostly spending time with my family

5. If you could have a day by yourself, what would you do?
Most likely I would go to the shooting range since I have to be by myself. Otherwise, I would probably spend it playing with my daughter.
Relax at home and go get a massage.

6. What are some of your goals for the year?
My main goal for every year is to grow stronger in my faith and learn something new each day. I also would like to find ways to be a better husband and father. I would like for us to take another family vacation this year to do something Wendie and I haven't done before.
To spend more one on one time with God and become a better wife and mother.

7. What is your biggest pet peeve of your spouse?
Uh-oh, this question is a trap. I would have to say she is messier than I am so that is probably my biggest pet peeve of Wendie.
How he playfully picks on me all the time.

8. How long have you attended Mt. Bethel?
Peter: 2 1/2 years
Wendie: 4 years

9. How would you describe FaithMates Sunday School class?
We joined the class about a year ago. The class is definitely an interesting collection of couples. There is a wide range of personalities and histories. I think more than anything the class is very close and has a deep seeded faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
A fun loving group of people who are strong in their faith and can relate to each other through their own experiences.

10. How has being a part of FaithMates helped your marriage?
More than anything being a part of the class has challenged us to be better spouses and parents. it has been great to openly communicate with other couples who have similar experiences in their lives and know that you don't have to be alone in exploring your faith.
The marriage studies have helped me think on how to better communicate with my husband. Having other couples who I can relate and talk to has also helped.

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